Sysdig Platform CLI - Runtime Policies

This section explains concepts and notations in the set of the Secure Runtime Policies commands provided.


The Policies section contains the following subcommands:

$ sdc-cli policy --help
Usage: sdc-cli policy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add             Add a policy
  add-json        Add a policy from a json file
  del             Delete policies
  events          Get policy events
  events_old      Get policy events (Use only on old onprem installations)
  falco-list      Sysdig Secure policy falco list operations
  falco-macro     Sysdig Secure policy falco macro operations
  get             Get policy
  get-falco       Get a falco rules file
  list            List all policies
  rule            Sysdig Secure policy rule operations
  set-falco       Set a falco rules file
  update          Update a policy
  update-default  Create default policies using the current system falco rules
  update-json     Update a policy form a json file

List Runtime Policies

You can list all the existing policies in Secure with:

sdc-cli policy list
id            name                                                                  severity        enabled       
157883        Disallowed Network Activity                                           4               True          
157884        Suspicious Filesystem Changes                                         0               True          
157885        Notable Filesystem Changes                                            0               True          
157886        Suspicious Package Management Changes                                 0               True          
157887        Suspicious Filesystem Reads                                           4               True          
157888        Unexpected Spawned Processes                                          4               True          
157889        Unexpected Process Activity                                           4               True          
157890        Inadvised Container Activity                                          4               False         
157891        Suspicious Container Activity                                         0               False         
157909        Terminal shell in container                                           0               True          

Display more information from a Policy

You can view the details of a policy if you exeucte:

$ sdc-cli policy get 157883
id:                       157883
name:                     Disallowed Network Activity
description:              Identified network activity outside of an explicitly defined set
severity:                 4
enabled:                  False
ruleNames:                ['Disallowed SSH Connection', 'Unexpected outbound connection destination', 'Unexpected inbound connection source']
actions:                  []
notificationChannelNames: []

Create a policy

You can create policies using the sdc-cli with the following options:

$ sdc-cli policy add --help           
Usage: sdc-cli policy add [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new policy.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of policy

  --rule TEXT          Rule name. It must be name instead of id, as the rules
                       list view is by name, to account for multiple rules
                       having the same name.
  --action TEXT        It can be a stop, pause and/or capture action
  --scope TEXT         Where the policy is being applied- Container, Host
                       etc.. (example: 'container.image.repository =
  --severity INTEGER   How severe is this policy when violated. Range from 0
                       to 7 included.
  --notenabled         If the policy should not be considered
  --notification TEXT  Notification channel id to subscribe to the policy.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

You can specify multiple --rule, --action and --notification. For example, if you want to create a copy of the policy previously shown, you could execute:

$ sdc-cli policy add \
    --rule 'Disallowed SSH Connection' \
    --rule 'Unexpected outbound connection destination' \
    --rule 'Unexpected inbound connection source' \
    --severity 4 \
    'Disallowed Network Activity (copy)' \
    'Identified network activity outside of an explicitly defined set'
id:                       162448
name:                     Disallowed Network Activity (copy)
description:              Identified network activity outside of an explicitly defined set
severity:                 4
enabled:                  True
ruleNames:                ['Disallowed SSH Connection', 'Unexpected outbound connection destination', 'Unexpected inbound connection source']
actions:                  []
notificationChannelIds:   []

Update a policy

The policies can be updated with the following options:

$ sdc-cli policy update --help        
Usage: sdc-cli policy update [OPTIONS] ID

  ID: the id of the policy to update

  --name TEXT          A short name for the policy
  --description TEXT   Description of policy
  --rule TEXT          Rule name. It will replace the rules defined in the
  --action TEXT        It can be a stop, pause and/or capture action. It will
                       replace the actions defined in the policy
  --scope TEXT         Where the policy is being applied- Container, Host
                       etc.. (example: 'container.image.repository =
  --severity INTEGER   How severe is this policy when violated. Range from 0
                       to 7 included.
  --notenabled         If the policy should not be considered
  --notification TEXT  Notification channel id to subscribe to the policy.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

For example, if we want to disable the previously created policy:

$ sdc-cli policy update 162448 --notenabled
id:                       162448
name:                     Disallowed Network Activity (copy)
description:              Identified network activity outside of an explicitly defined set
severity:                 4
enabled:                  False
ruleNames:                ['Disallowed SSH Connection', 'Unexpected outbound connection destination', 'Unexpected inbound connection source']
actions:                  []
notificationChannelIds:   []

Delete policy

In case we want to remove the policy we have just created, we can remove it easily with:

$ sdc-cli policy del 162448  

Create default policies

There’s a set of default policies available in Sysdig Secure. If you want to create them, you can execute:

$ sdc-cli policy update-default

The current default policies created are the following:

List all events in the event feed

For more information about how to work with the runtime policy events, visit: sdc-cli policy events

Work with Falco Lists

For more information about how to work with Falco Lists, visit: sdc-cli policy falco-list.

Work with Falco Macros

For more information about how to work with Falco Lists, visit: sdc-cli policy falco-macro.

Work with Rules

For more information about how to work with Falco Lists, visit: sdc-cli policy rule.