Sysdig Platform CLI - Rules

This section explains concepts and notations in the set of the Secure Rules commands provided.


The Rules section contains the following subcommands:

sdc-cli policy rule --help
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add-container  Add a container rule
  add-falco      Add a falco rule
  add-file       Add a file system rule
  add-network    Add a network rule
  add-process    Add a process rule
  add-syscall    Add a syscall rule
  del            Delete rules
  get            Get rule
  list           List all rules
  update         Update rule

List all the existing rules

You can list all the existing rules with:

$ sdc-cli policy rule list  
ids            name                                                                         ruleType        
[80]           All K8s Audit Events                                                         FALCO           
[56]           Anonymous Request Allowed                                                    FALCO           
[62]           Attach to cluster-admin Role                                                 FALCO           
[57]           Attach/Exec Pod                                                              FALCO           
[19]           Change thread namespace                                                      FALCO           
[42]           Clear Log Activities                                                         FALCO          

Retrieve details of a rule

You can retrieve more information from a rule by name or ID by executing:

$ sdc-cli policy rule get 80
id:                       80
name:                     All K8s Audit Events
description:              Match all K8s Audit Events
      "ruleType": "FALCO",
      "condition": {
        "condition": "kall"
      "output": "K8s Audit Event received ( verb=%ka.verb uri=%ka.uri obj=%jevt.obj)",
      "priority": "DEBUG",
      "source": "k8s_audit",
      "append": false
tags:                     ['k8s']
filename:                 k8s_audit_rules.yaml

Add a rule

Container rule

The container rules identify events from container engines to identify new images being executed.

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-container --help
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule add-container [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new rule.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of rule

  --not-matching    The rule matches if the container does not match any of
                    the items in the list.
  --container TEXT
  --tag TEXT        A rule tag.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

For example, if you want to blacklist cassandra:latest from your clusters, you could create a rule based on the container image:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-container \
    --container cassandra:latest \
    'Cassandra being run' \
    'Detects cassandra:latest being run in the cluster'
id:                       15505
name:                     Cassandra being run
description:              Detects cassandra:latest being run in the cluster
      "ruleType": "CONTAINER",
      "containers": {
        "items": [
        "matchItems": true
tags:                     []
filename:                 fast_engine_rules.yaml

File rules

File rules identify read or write access to files in defined paths:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-file --help
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule add-file [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new rule.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of rule

  --rw-not-matching  The rule matches if the read/write path does not match
                     any of the items in the list.
  --rw-path TEXT     read/write path
  --ro-not-matching  The rule matches if the read only path does not match any
                     of the items in the list.
  --ro-path TEXT     read only path
  --tag TEXT         A rule tag.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

For example, if you want to identify that a file is being open for write access under /bin, probably an attacker is trying to modify our binaries, so we could create a rule based on that:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-file \
    --rw-path /bin \
    'Opened a file with write access under /bin' \
    'A file has been opened with write access under the /bin path'

id:                       15507
name:                     Opened a file with write access under /bin
description:              A file has been opened with write access under the /bin path
      "ruleType": "FILESYSTEM",
      "readWritePaths": {
        "items": [
        "matchItems": true
      "readPaths": {
        "items": [],
        "matchItems": true
tags:                     []
filename:                 fast_engine_rules.yaml

Network rules

Network rules identify events happening in the network:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-network --help                                                                                                                 
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule add-network [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new rule.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of rule

  --inbound-deny      If set all inbound connection attempts match this rule
  --outbound-deny     If set all outbound connection attempts match this rule
  --tcp-not-matching  The rule matches if the tcp port does not match any of
                      the items in the list.
  --tcp-port TEXT     tcp port
  --udp-not-matching  The rule matches if the udp port does not match any of
                      the items in the list.
  --udp-port TEXT     udp port
  --tag TEXT          A rule tag.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

Let’s say you want to block all incoming connections, and allow outbound only to 443 ports:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-network \
    --inbound-deny \
    --tcp-port 443 \
    'Not allowed connection detected' \
    'A new detection not allowed has been detected'

id:                       15508
name:                     Not allowed connection detected
description:              A new detection not allowed has been detected
      "ruleType": "NETWORK",
      "allInbound": true,
      "allOutbound": false,
      "tcpListenPorts": {
        "items": [
        "matchItems": true
      "udpListenPorts": {
        "items": [],
        "matchItems": true
tags:                     []
filename:                 fast_engine_rules.yaml

Process rules

Process rules can detect new processes by name being executed:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-process --help                                                                                                         
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule add-process [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new rule.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of rule

  --not-matching  The rule matches if the process does not match any of the
                  items in the list.
  --process TEXT
  --tag TEXT      A rule tag.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

For example, if you want to detect a netcat running in your infrastructure, you could create a rule based on that:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-process \
    --process netcat \
    --process nc \
    --process ncat \
    'Netcat process detected' \
    'The netcat process execution has been detected'

id:                       15509
name:                     Netcat process detected
description:              The netcat process execution has been detected
      "ruleType": "PROCESS",
      "processes": {
        "items": [
        "matchItems": true
tags:                     []
filename:                 fast_engine_rules.yaml

Syscall rules

Syscall rules detect single system calls being executed in the infrastructure by any process.

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-syscall --help                                                                                                                  
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule add-syscall [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new rule.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of rule

  --not-matching  The rule matches if the syscall does not match any of the
                  items in the list.
  --syscall TEXT
  --tag TEXT      A rule tag.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

For example if we want to trigger a rule based on execve system calls, you can create a rule like:

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-syscall \
    --syscall execve \
    'Syscall detected: execve' \
    'The execve syscall has been detected'

id:                       15510
name:                     Syscall detected: execve
description:              The execve syscall has been detected
      "ruleType": "SYSCALL",
      "syscalls": {
        "items": [
        "matchItems": true
tags:                     []
filename:                 fast_engine_rules.yaml

Falco rules

Falco rules are based on the Falco open source runtime security tool. These rules are the most flexible ones, and can detect everything detected by the previous rule kinds. Falco can consume events from different sources, and apply rules to these events to detect abnormal behavior. Currently Falco supports the following event sources:

Source Ingestion method
syscall Ingests from the System calls of the host, instrumented by an agent
k8s_audit Ingests from the K8s Audit Logs, receives events via HTTP from K8s itself

The rule condition must follow the Falco syntax language and if it references macros or lists, those must exist in Secure first.

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-falco --help                                                                                                    
Usage: sdc-cli policy rule add-falco [OPTIONS] NAME DESCRIPTION

  NAME: the name of the new rule.

  DESCRIPTION: Description of rule

  --condition TEXT  the full condition text exactly as represented in the yaml
  --output TEXT     A string describing the output string to generate when
                    this rule matches an event. Should exactly match the
                    output property of the rule's output field
  --priority TEXT   The falco rule's priority. This is only included so the
                    resulting rule can be converted back to yaml easily. For
                    the purposes of policy events, the policy's severity
                    should be used instead of this value. [ emergency, alert,
                    critical, error, warning, notice, informational, debug ]
  --source TEXT     The kinds of events this rule should run on. Note that
                    this is different that the file containing the rule. This
                    is naming an event source. [ k8s_audit, syscall ]
  --tag TEXT        A rule tag.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

For example, if you want to create a rule that a process is writing under /etc overwriting some configuration file, you could create a rule with a condition like: open_write and in (/etc).

$ sdc-cli policy rule add-falco \
    --condition 'open_write and in (/etc)' \
    --source syscall \
    --output 'a program opened a file for write under a config path (' \
    'Detected write under /etc' \
    'There was a file opened with write access under a configuration path'

id:                       15506
name:                     Detected write under /etc
description:              There was a file opened with write access under a configuration path
      "ruleType": "FALCO",
      "condition": {
        "condition": "open_write and in (/etc)",
        "components": []
      "output": "a program opened a file for write under a config path (",
      "priority": "WARNING",
      "source": "syscall",
      "append": false
tags:                     []
filename:                 falco_rules_local.yaml