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Terraform Provider for Sysdig


What is Terraform

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.

Configuration files describe to Terraform the components needed to run a single application or your entire datacenter. Terraform generates an execution plan describing what it will do to reach the desired state, and then executes it to build the described infrastructure or configuration.

As the configuration changes, Terraform is able to determine what changed and create incremental execution plans which can be applied.

Terraform Provider for Sysdig

The Terraform Provider for Sysdig allows you to manage your configuration in Sysdig Secure and Sysdig Monitor as code, allowing you to synchronize your declarative configuration with the configuration at the Platform.

You can instrument several use cases like:


To use the provider, first you need to install Terraform, which is the main executable that interacts with the provider.

Download the Terraform executable for your OS/Architecture from here:

Terraform v0.13+

As of Terraform 0.13, the new block required_providers was added, making it easier to use community providers, since they are automatically downloaded from the Terraform Registry.

You can tell Terraform to download and use sysdiglabs/sysdig as the sysdig provider by defining this block in one of your .tf files.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    sysdig = {
      source  = "sysdiglabs/sysdig"
      version = ">= 0.4.0"

Terraform v0.12

In older Terraform versions, you need to download the latest version of the Terraform Provider for Sysdig for your OS/Architecture, extract it and move the executable under $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins (you need to create this directory if it does not exist yet) as this link suggests: .

Usage example

Terraform will use the Sysdig provider when you specify a resource or data source with a name starting with sysdig_* (i.e.: sysdig_user)

But in order to actually create valid requests to the API and create/update/remove those resources, you need to specify a correct API token for the product.

You can do so in 2 ways:

  1. Using environment variables
  2. Using a tfvars file.

Configure the provider: Using env vars

You can configure the following environment variables to specify the API token:

For example:

$ export SYSDIG_SECURE_API_TOKEN=323232323-3232-3232-32323232
$ export SYSDIG_MONITOR_API_TOKEN=343434343-3434-3434-34343434

Once you execute Terraform and apply the manifests, that env vars will be used to configure the provider and create API calls.

Configure the provider: Using a tfvars file

To use a tfvars file you need to first create it, and specify the API tokens as variables, for example:

# File: terraform.tfvars

secure_token = "323232323-3232-3232-32323232"
monitor_token = "343434343-3434-3434-34343434"

Then, you can reference it in the provider configuration block:

provider "sysdig" {
  sysdig_monitor_api_token = var.monitor_token
  sysdig_secure_api_token  = var.secure_token

Creating resources with Terraform

This is an example to create a pair of rules able to detect SSH connections and shells spawned in containers.

Start by defining a couple of rules in the file. One rule will detect inbound and outbound connections made to the port 22, and the other will detect a shell process being spawned.

For more information about the configuration blocks, see:

resource "sysdig_secure_rule_network" "disallowed_ssh_connection" {
  name           = "Disallowed SSH Connection detected"
  description    = "Detect any new ssh connection to a host"
  tags           = ["network"]

  block_inbound  = true
  block_outbound = true

  tcp {
    matching     = true
    ports        = [22]

resource "sysdig_secure_rule_process" "terminal_shell" {
  name        = "Terminal shell detected"
  description = "A shell was used as the entrypoint/exec point"
  tags        = ["shell"]

  processes   = ["ash", "bash", "csh", "ksh", "sh", "tcsh", "zsh", "dash"]

Now create a policy in a file called to define how these rules are applied. The policy will stop the affected container and trigger a capture for further troubleshooting.

resource "sysdig_secure_policy" "terminal_shell_or_ssh_in_container" {
  name        = "Terminal shell or SSH detected in container"
  description = "Detects a terminal shell or a ssh spawned in a container"
  enabled     = true
  severity    = 0 // HIGH
  scope       = " != \"\""
  rule_names  = [,

  actions {
    container               = "stop"
    capture {
      seconds_before_event  = 5
      seconds_after_event   = 10

With the given scope, the policy will only be applied to processes being executed inside containers:

scope = " != \"\""

Using terraform apply the resources are applied in the backend:

Terraform apply creates the resources

Terraform tells us that is going to create 3 resources, which matches what we defined in and

Terraform application completes successfully

After applying the plan, Terraform reports that the 3 resources have been successfully created. The policy uses the rules created before, that’s why it’s the last one being created.

The resources have been created, this is how they look in Sysdig Secure:

Terraform rules created in Sysdig Secure

Terraform policy created in Sysdig Secure

But now the problem is that, if this policy triggers there’s no alert notice unless notification channels are defined. Creating two notification channels, one for the email and another one for slack in a file called, will alert us when the policy is triggered:

resource "sysdig_secure_notification_channel_email" "devops-email" {
  name                 = "DevOps e-mail"
  enabled              = true
  recipients           = ""
  notify_when_ok       = false
  notify_when_resolved = false

resource "sysdig_secure_notification_channel_slack" "devops-slack" {
  name                 = "DevOps Slack"
  enabled              = true
  url                  = ""
  channel              = "#devops"
  notify_when_ok       = false
  notify_when_resolved = false

Bind them to the policy, modifying the file; note the notification_channels property:

resource "sysdig_secure_policy" "terminal_shell_or_ssh_in_container" {
  name        = "Terminal shell or SSH detected in container"
  description = "Detects a terminal shell or a ssh spawned in a container"
  enabled     = true
  severity    = 0 // HIGH
  scope       = " != \"\""
  rule_names  = [,

  actions {
    container               = "stop"
    capture {
      seconds_before_event  = 5
      seconds_after_event   = 10

  notification_channels = [,

Finally, doing a terraform apply, it will inform that it will create 2 new resources and modify the existing policy:

Terraform apply updates the resources

After inputting yes, Terraform will create the notification channels and bind them to the policy, ensuring that the state in Monitor and Secure matches our state defined in the code.

This is how the resources appear on the Sysdig Secure UI:

Terraform apply creates new notification channels

Terraform updates the policy resource

Now, if someone tries to update it manually, by re-applying the policies, Terraform will restore the desired status from the .tf manifests.

Full Terraform resources documentation

Check all the available resources and datasources for the Terraform Provider for Sysdig here:

Terraform provider for Sysdig Datasources

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