Sysdig Platform CLI - Scanning Vulnerabilities

This section explains concepts and notations in the set of the Scanning vulnerability commands provided.


The scanning vulnerability section allows the user to fetch information from a vulnerability and define vulnerability exceptions in the image scanning. The full list of subcommands is the following:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability --help
Usage: sdc-cli scanning vulnerability [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add_exception  Adds a vulnerability exception to a bundle
  bundle         Vulnerability bundle operations
  del_exception  Deletes a vulnerability exception from a bundle
  get_info       Retrieves information about a vulnerability
  report         Downloads a vulnerability report in CSV format

Usage: Retrieve info from a vulnerability

You can fetch information for a particular vulnerability directly with the sdc-cli, for example, let’s say you need to review what packages are affected by VULNDB-1 and the impact of this vulnerability in the system:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability get_info VULNDB-1
id:                       VULNDB-1
severity:                 High
description:              ColdFusion contains a flaw that may lead to an unauthorized information disclosure. The issue is triggered when an attacker specifies the OpenFilePath variable in the Expression Evaluator. This allows an attacker to view the contents of arbitrary files on the server and may result in a loss of confidentiality.

CVE Scores:
id                           severity        access vector        base score        exploitability score        impact score        
CVE-1999-0455 CVSS v2        High            NETWORK              7.5               10                          6.4                 

source                              url                                                                          
Mail List Post                          
CVE ID                                          
Generic Exploit URL       */          
Other Advisory URL                                             
Vendor Specific Advisory URL             
Exploit Database                                               
Vendor Specific Advisory URL        
Nessus Script ID                           
Bugtraq ID                                                         
Snort Signature ID                                              
ISS X-Force ID                                

Affected Packages:
name              version        
coldfusion        4.0            
coldfusion        3.1            
coldfusion        3.0            
coldfusion        2.0    

Looks like this vulnerability is a severe problem for your systems, it can lead to unauthorized information disclosure and the exploitability score is 10 because there are existing exploits on the wild for an attacker to use. If you were using the coldfusion<=4.0 package, you would need to update it to be safe.

Usage: Vulnerability exception bundles

All the vulnerability exceptions are organized in bundles, for better management. By default, all accounts come with a global bundle, where users can store their vulnerability exceptions.

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle list
id            name                           comment                        item number        
global        Default exceptions list        Default exceptions list        0            

Users can define new ones, to organize their exceptions:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle add "Nginx Exceptions" --description "This bundle contains all the exceptions for Nginx"
id:                       vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg
name:                     Nginx Exceptions
comment:                  This bundle contains all the exceptions for Nginx

You will now be able to add exceptions to this bundle:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability add_exception vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg CVE-2009-2629   
enabled:                  True
name:                     CVE-2009-2629
description:              Buffer underflow in src/http/ngx_http_parse.c in nginx 0.1.0 through 0.5.37, 0.6.x before 0.6.39, 0....
notes:                    ---
expiration date:          Never

If you retrieve information from the bundle, you will see the added exception:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle get vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg                 
id:                       vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg
name:                     Nginx Exceptions
comment:                  This bundle contains all the exceptions for Nginx
item number:              1

enabled        name                 description                                                  notes        expiration date        
True           CVE-2009-2629        Buffer underflow in src/http/ngx_http_parse.c in n...        ---          Never               

You can also remove this exception from the bundle:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability del_exception vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg CVE-2009-2629

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle get vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg                 
id:                       vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg
name:                     Nginx Exceptions
comment:                  This bundle contains all the exceptions for Nginx
item number:              0

In case you also want to remove the bundle itself, you can do so by it’s ID:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle list
id                                               name                           comment                                                  item number        
global                                           Default exceptions list        Default exceptions list                                  0                  
vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg        Nginx Exceptions               This bundle contains all the exceptions for Nginx        0

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle del vulnexception_1iUrqU3dfDkcUYbPAGVMz37oGNg

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability bundle list                                         
id            name                           comment                        item number        
global        Default exceptions list        Default exceptions list        0                       

Usage: Retrieve the vulnerability report as CSV

This use case is very simple, downloading a vulnerability report in CSV with all the registered images in your installation, or only the currently detected ones at runtime.

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability report --help 
Usage: sdc-cli scanning vulnerability report [OPTIONS] REPORT_PATH

  Downloads a vulnerability report at the given path.

  --runtime  Generate vulnerability report for runtime images only
  --os       Generates a vulnerability report for OS images only. By default
             generates for OS and NonOS.

  --non-os   Generates a vulnerability report for NonOS images (pip, npm,
             java, ...) only. By default generates for OS and NonOS.

  --help     Show this message and exit.

By default the output will contain all the images in the installation, with OS-related vulns and NonOS-related vulns, for packages like Python, Node, Java, etc.

For example, to download them:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability report all_vulnerabilities.csv
Downloading report at all_vulnerabilities.csv.
It looks like the report is taking more time than expected.
This may be due to the high amount of images in your system.
Report downloaded

In case we only want to download the images detected running in our system:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability report --runtime runtime_only.csv
Downloading report at runtime_only.csv.
It looks like the report is taking more time than expected.
This may be due to the high amount of images in your system.
Report downloaded

In case we only want to download OS-related CVEs for runtime images:

$ sdc-cli scanning vulnerability report --runtime --os runtime_os_cve_only.csv
Downloading report at runtime_os_cve_only.csv.
It looks like the report is taking more time than expected.
This may be due to the high amount of images in your system.
Report downloaded