Sysdig Platform CLI - Backup Dump

This section explains concepts and notations in the set of the backup dump commands provided.


The Dump option writes to a file all the information from the supported sections, or from a particular section, if it’s specified.

$ sdc-cli backup dump --help                  
Usage: sdc-cli backup dump [OPTIONS] BACKUP_FILE [SECTION]...

  BACKUP_FILE: File where the data must be saved to.

  SECTION: Dump only the specified section. Valid values: dashboards,
  notification_channels, alerts, users, teams_monitor, teams_secure, policies,
  falco_rules, falco_lists, falco_macros, scanning_alerts

  -f      Overwrite file if it already exists
  --help  Show this message and exit.

Example: Backup Monitor only

The following command will create a monitor.yaml file with all the Dashboards, Notification Channels, Alerts and Teams in Monitor.

$ sdc-cli backup dump monitor.yaml dashboards notification_channels alerts teams_monitor

Example: Backup Secure only

The following command will create a secure.yaml file with all the Teams in Secure, Runtime Policies, Falco Rules, Falco Lists and Falco Macros

$ sdc-cli backup dump secure.yaml teams_secure policies falco_rules falco_lists falco_macros

Example: Backup everything

The following command will create a backup.yaml file with all the information in the platform, and will overwrite the file if already exists:

$ sdc-cli backup dump -f backup.yaml