Legacy Scanner engine vs Vulnerability Management engine

As of April 20, 2022, Sysdig offers both a Legacy Scanner engine and the newer Vulnerability Management engine. See the official documentation to understand which engine is enabled into your account.

Vulnerability Management engine common scenarios & recipes

Download the sysdig-cli-scanner

Linux or MacOS:

curl -LO "https://download.sysdig.com/scanning/bin/sysdig-cli-scanner/$(curl -L -s https://download.sysdig.com/scanning/sysdig-cli-scanner/latest_version.txt)/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/amd64/sysdig-cli-scanner"

Set the executable flag on the file:

chmod +x ./sysdig-cli-scanner

You only need to download and set executable once. Then you can scan images by running the sysdig-cli-scanner command:

SECURE_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> ./sysdig-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> <image-name>

Scan local image, built using docker

# Build the image locally
docker build -t <image-name> .

# Scan the image, available on local docker
SECURE_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> ./sysdig-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> docker://<image-name>

Local image (provided docker archive)

Assuming the image <image-name> is available as an image tarball at image.tar.

For example, the command docker save <image-name> -o image.tar creates a tarball for <image-name>.

SECURE_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> ./sysdig-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> file://tmp/image.tar

Public registry image

Example: scan alpine image from public registry. The scanner will pull and scan it.

SECURE_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> ./sysdig-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> pull://alpine

Private registry image

To scan images from private registries, you might need to provide credentials:


Containers-storage (cri-o, podman, buildah and others)

Scan images from container runtimes using containers-storage format:

# Build an image using buildah from a Dockerfile
buildah build-using-dockerfile -t myimage:latest

# Scan the image
SECURE_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> ./sysdig-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> crio://localhost/myimage:latest

Example for an image pulled with podman

podman pull docker.io/library/alpine

#Scan the image
SECURE_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token> ./sysdig-cli-scanner --apiurl <sysdig-api-url> podman://docker.io/library/alpine

Legacy Scanner engine common scenarios & recipes

Scan local image, built using docker

#Build the image locally
docker build -t <image-name> .

#Scan the image, available on local docker. Mounting docker socket is required
docker run --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --storage-type docker-daemon \
    --storage-path /var/run/docker.sock \

Local image (provided docker archive)

Assuming the image <image-name> is available as an image tarball at image.tar.

For example, the command docker save <image-name> -o image.tar creates a tarball for <image-name>.

docker run --rm \
    -v ${PWD}/image.tar:/tmp/image.tar \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --storage-type docker-archive \
    --storage-path /tmp/image.tar \

Public registry image

Example: scan alpine image from public registry. The scanner will pull and scan it.

docker run --rm \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \

Private registry image

To scan images from private registries, you might need to provide credentials:

docker run --rm \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --registry-auth-basic <user:passw> \

Authentication methods available are:

Containers-storage (cri-o, podman, buildah and others)

Scan images from container runtimes using containers-storage format:

#Build an image using buildah from a Dockerfile
buildah build-using-dockerfile -t myimage:latest

#Scan the image. Options '-u root' and '--privileged' might be needed depending
#on the access permissions for /var/lib/containers
docker run \
    -u root --privileged \
    -v /var/lib/containers:/var/lib/containers \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --storage-type cri-o \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \

Example for an image pulled with podman

podman pull docker.io/library/alpine

#Scan the image. Options '-u root' and '--privileged' might be needed depending
#on the access permissions for /var/lib/containers
docker run \
    -u root --privileged \
    -v /var/lib/containers:/var/lib/containers \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --storage-type cri-o \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \

Using a proxy

To use a proxy, set the standard http_proxy and https_proxy variables when running the container.


docker run --rm \
    -e http_proxy="http://my-proxy:3128" \
    -e https_proxy="http://my-proxy:3128" \
    quay.io/sysdig/secure-inline-scan:2 \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \

Both http_proxy and https_proxy variables are required, as some tools will use per-scheme proxy.

The no_proxy variable can be used to define a list of hosts that don’t use the proxy.

Other integrations and examples

In this repository you can find the following examples in alphabetical order:

Vulneratbility Management Engine (new scan engine)

Legacy Scanner Engine (old scan engine)

Other sources of information


These integrations have a specific entry in their respective CI/CD catalogs:

Documentation pages

Blog articles

Blog articles contain detailed step by step information, but may be out of date respect their current implementations:


If you find a related topic lacks enough information, or some problem with any of the existing examples, please file a issue in this repository. Pull requests to ammend any existing information or examples are also welcomed.