
ElasticSearch integration

This helm chart part of the integration of for Elastic Search installs our version of the Elastic search Prometheus exporter.

Visit for dashboards, alerts and further documentation for this integration.



If you are usin BASIC AUTH in order to connect to your Elasticsearch, then you will need to create a proper secret for those username and password needed to connect to your elasticsearch.

Create The Secret For The User and Password

kubectl -n Your-Exporter-Namespace create secret generic elastic-user-pass-secret \
  --from-literal=username='<your-username>' --from-literal=password='<your-password>'

ElasticSearch without custom certificates

helm install my-release ./charts/elasticsearch-exporter/

ElasticSearch without custom certificates and Basic Auth

helm install my-release ./charts/elasticsearch-exporter/ \
  --set url.secretName="elastic-user-pass-secret"

ElasticSearch with custom certificates

Create The Secret For The TLS certs

Only needed in the case you are using https with custom certificates.

kubectl create -n Your-Application-Namespace secret generic elastic-tls-secret \
  --from-file=root-ca.crt=/path/to/tls/ca-cert \
  --from-file=root-ca.key=/path/to/tls/ca-key \
helm install my-release ./charts/elasticsearch-exporter/ \
  --set secretTLS="elastic-tls-secret"

ElasticSearch wit custom certificates and Basic Auth

helm install my-release ./charts/elasticsearch-exporter/ \
  --set secretTLS="elastic-tls-secret" \
  --set url.secretName="elastic-user-pass-secret"


This helm chart is maintained by Sysdig team.

Exporter and user queries: Elastic Search Exporter with Apache v2 license.